
Friday, 8 November 2019

Wisley May 2019

Not quite summer and despite a grey and overcast day, what a pleasure to finally visit RHS Wisley. It is quite a commitment to put Maya in a carseat, even for a just an hour, but we had arranged to meet Judy and Heather, so off we went, hoping for the best.

Apparently a lot has been happening at Wisley - supported by a £160 million budget - the entrance has been renovated, there will be 3 bespoke laboratories for diagnostics, molecular and environmental research. There will be a new library and archive, 2 new learning studios with a teaching garden alongside, a new Herberium and digitisation suite. This all bodes well for the future. If I were young enough to be considering a career, I would be taking a long hard look at what they have on offer.

It barely being spring, a lot of new growth was just starting to happen. Bursts of colour in amongst the grey show the way for summer.

Watsonia season! The smell is irresistable to bees. 

I love this garden sculpture. It's just on the edge of the stream.

Dayne, Maya and Judy. Time for a cup of coffee (and a bacon bap) before Heather gets here.

Bottlebrush (Callistemon) is apparently endemic to Australia, but so familiar in South Africa.

Purple is quite dominant in the garden at the moment. Gorgeous!


Lovely sculptures throughout the garden, but this is a favourite.

Dinosaurs! We didn't see any.

The calm before the storm. Maya loved Heather but half an hour later she was howling! On the M25 - no place to stop.