
Sunday 12 June 2016

London 16 May 2016

I'm on a catch up drive.  Quite a lot is going to be happening in the next couple of months so I'm trying not to get further and further behind.

Carla is in the UK for a couple of months so we all arranged to meet up in London.  I met Dayne at Victoria station and we meandered on down to Trafalgar Square.

And then up to Piccadilly to meet up with Carla and Tessa.

Lunch first, Tess was working but it was great to catch up on their news.

Dayne wanted to see Chinatown which I'd never seen before .  We ran into a march protesting the Dog Festival.  Feelings were running high!

I love this wall art!

We found the M&M store but it was a bit of a disappointment - mainly just merchandise. But gorgeous cousins.

Pizza! In Chinatown?  Just seems wrong.  I do like the building though.

Time for beer after all that walking.

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