
Sunday 16 August 2015

Windsor 8 August 2015

Another beautiful sunny weekend - I'm taking full advantage. The place where I'm living now is tiny so I am making a point of getting out and about. This weekend was Windsor. About a 10 minute drive from home so really close by. It's right on the Thames where, by the way, I've never seen so many swans in one place!

I parked a bit out of town and walked in alongside the river. It's full of life and people doing water sport things. And some apparently living in houseboats. You'd need to live on this boat just to tend the plants.

I'm fortunate to be having such lovely weather, I'm sure it's a different place in winter.

But that's a while off, so in the meantime, ice cream ...

I first walked into Eton, but because it's school holidays, there weren't many people around, not like in Windsor. They are just across the bridge from each other - I never realised how close they were.

Windsor was choc-a-bloc with tourists! Deeply unpleasant. I'll definitely come back around October to have a look around the castle when there isn't a queue a long way down the road. I just walked around a bit.

And went for tea.

Feeling a lot better after that - though the scones weren't great - I walked round the front of the castle which wasn't quite as crowded.

This pub is right outside castle grounds - the Brits really know how to do pretty flowers! Where the purple flowers are hanging on the post is as far as you are allowed to carry a glass of beer.

Just a bit further in to the town centre is the slanty house!

Then back along the Thames to the car. I came across a full size replica of a Hawker Hurricane aircraft used in the battle of Britain.


  1. What gorgeous weather you're having! Those queues and crowds don't look fun, but that's August I guess. But Windsor seems like a quaint spot and perfect for strolling around and people watching on a sunny day. Years since I was there of course, I can't remember anything about the town. I do remember being impressed by the castle - it's huge isn't it! Definitely worth a return visit on a quieter day. So glad you're getting out and about as much as you can. Have fun, xx

  2. Thanks Helen. The whole area around Windsor is lovely - watch out for the post about the Great Park.
