
Sunday 22 May 2016


Help, life is running away with me! I fully intend to do more posts but suddenly I realise that the last one was at the beginning of the month.  Sorry, sorry!

Dayne and Matt arrived in the UK at the end of April - I'm not sure they want to be the main feature of a blog post, but, you know, family doesn't really have a choice.

Judy and I  made it to Gatwick in good time on a chilly Friday morning.  Airports, they are always under construction.  Why is that?

And then we waited, and waited, and waited some more.

Had they missed the connecting flight in Dubai?  Had they brought in biltong and customs were offended?  Eventually they appeared, looking like this ...

Tears happened.  But very happy ones.  They are going to be living a fair distance from me so it was great to be able to spend the weekend and share the first few days with them.  Thanks Judy!

The Moms

Dinner at a pub for the first evening.  Meet Shaun the Sheep - Kate's representative in Britain.

Then some shopping the next day - the ubiquitous parking meter - the most challenging factor is to remember your registration number.

And for Kate's benefit - Wimpy, in the UK.  Hi Shaun.

In the afternoon we took a drive out to Ashdown Forest to look for Winnie the Pooh.  We weren't very successful I have to say but it was a fun drive.  It was pretty cold out and the signposting wasn't very good, another time I think.

Then it was back to Burnham and another work week.